Web-based platform for automated early information of the public and local authorities about severe weather events
Welcome. This application aims to inform users about the spatial and temporal evolution, as well as the short-range forecast (nowcast) of potentially dangerous events of precipitation, high concentration of dust in the atmosphere and hail in the broad region of Epirus (Greece).
The relevant information is derived using an algorithm, which is applied to real time satellite measurements of various physical parameters.
The critical quantities, which are displayed through the application, are:
- the rainfall intensity (in millimeters of rain per hour)
- the dust aerosol optical depth (a unitless parameter that is a measure of the dust concentration in the atmosphere and quantifies the influence of the suspended dust particles in the region’s atmosphere on the attenuation of solar radiation)
- the probability of hail (in %)
Registered users of the application can receive hazardous weather alerts for the areas of their interest. Details are given in the “Information” section in the application.
The project/research is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Program "Epirus 2014-2020", NSRF 2014-2020.